Sometimes claims get denied for very simple reason of missing a very simple point / requirement. And sometimes, the reason can be more serious, requiring the intervention of a patient’s physician. Whatever the case, addressing denied claims or a remittance advice is part of the challenges that medical practices need to address
AimUP Healthcare understands that your revenue stream needs to be steady, so we exercise due diligence in patient registration processes, minimizing the chance that claims will be denied and ensuring complete documentation for appealing denied claims. With AimUP Healthcare as your partner, you can ensure all payments are collected in a timely manner and reduce your claims denials in order to improve your organization’s cash flow.
AR follow-up is a crucial step in the Medical Billing Process. An effective insurance model helps healthcare organizations in recovering insurance claims. This stage involves the identification and analysis of the claims listed on the AR aging report
AimUP Healthcare understands this importance, hence providing account receivable services to global clients at competitive prices, helping you to improve your organization’s cash flow.
The patient follow-up process begins at once when the claims get reimbursed by the patient’s insurance. This Process includes, Patient statements, Collecting the Payments and Customer Service. AimUP Healthcare ensures patient statements are generated and mailed depending on the Patient Billing Cycle.
Hospitals and physician practices, often get into messy situations with old AR. Lack of staff to follow-up, ineffective write-off policies, ineffective closures etc leading to volumes of unclaimed insurance running into millions of dollars in aged AR
AimUP Healthcare helps manages your old AR follow-up to ensure that you effectively understand the reasons for delays in AR and follow-up with insurance companies and patients in a timely manner.
Pre-listing is a process of moving the balance in self-pay in 90 or 120 plus Aging to collection agency where 3 or more statements were sent to patient/guarantor with no response.
AimUP Healthcare provides the following type of reports for better revenue cycle management. We make sure the following reports are generated on-time and on-demand basis.
- Monthly Reports
- Quality Reports
- Productivity Reports
- Payor Metric Reports
- Charges Comparison Reports
- Payments Comparison Reports
- Refund Tracking Reports
- Statement Comparison Reports
- Adjust Comparison Reports Filing
- Aging Trends Comparison
- Query Analysis Reports
- Denial Analysis Reports